Actually, I think the particular virus I was sent didn't matter which program you used since it used the signature file feature, which Netscape also uses, as it's transmittal vehicle. I tried to figure out what it was called by going through my Norton Anti Virus activity log, but I guess it was too long ago.
But you're right, the majority of the viruses out there play on Micro$ofts weaknesses. The various programs have more holes in it than a pound of swiss cheese.
I do have IE 5.0 on my puter though since it is such an integral part of Windows. I got PO'd at Bill a year or two ago & deleted it, Windows wouldn't run worth a flip after that without it (but does it run worth a flip anyway?). I ended up re-installing it but I use Netscape for browsin' & e-mailin'.
Bill R-4581