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The Chip Board Archive 04

Re: $25 chip issued in '79
In Response To: playboy chip ()

Though the $25 chip was issued in 1979 in honor of
the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Playboy, they could
only be used at the Nassau property (opened Summer
'78 - clsed Spring '83), but only during 1979.
All the other Playboy casinos were still in
operation and they included the London
Playboy, Playboy Clermont (chips unknown),
Manchester Playboy, Portsmouth Playboy and the
Playboy Victoria (Aug. '79; chips rarely seen),
where only the Pound Sterling (£) was used, as using
a US$ in any United Kingdom property would have been
like spitting on the Queen. Playboy closed all their
UK casinos in 1982; Bahamas 1983). Additional
informatin pertaining to Playboy and their
casinos: "Cheques, Chips and
Tokens of the Playboy Casinos" by Tom Stroh.


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Re: $25 chip issued in '79
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