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The Chip Board Archive 04

Paul Donohue Slot Card RR Update

I have added some people to the end of the list. The round robins will be mailed today. Thanks for playing.
Paul Donohue Slot Card Round Robin #2
1. Paul Liscio, CT
2. Jim Munding, CA
3. Robert Quental, MD
4. Janice O'Neal, NV
5. Roy Baldwin, KY
6. Dick Brach, NJ
7. Tom Edwards, NV
8. George Roddewig, WI
9. Barry Weintraub, CA
10. Jim Steffner, OH
11. John Zoesch, TN
12. Albert Scalzo, MI
12. Paul Donohue, MD
Paul Donohue Slot Card Round Robin #3
1. Jim Noll, CA
2. Brad Keller, LA
3. Archie Black, NJ
4. Denny Deemer, TX
5. Jack Weingarten, NY
6. Mark Menke, MO
7. Pat Lamb, CO
8. Don Conrad, NV
9. Brian Bishop, FL
10. Mel Jung, CA
11. Wayne Thompson, KY
12. Joe Benon, CA
13. Max Smith, IA
14. Paul Donohue, MD

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Paul Donohue Slot Card Round Robins...
Paul Donohue Slot Card RR Update

Copyright 2022 David Spragg