Spent a fun afternoon with Steve Wells yesterday when he and John Yee came over for some slotting/chipping. We ended up trading/buying over 900 slot cards and 105 room keys......and one chip. Steves collection was impressive and now with 800+ more of my collection (that I just decided to break up when I saw the chip he had - I wanted ) it is now huge. I still have over 1400 and some duplicates (800) that I can trade if anyone is intersted. Steve got most of my cards from 1984-90, but there are still a lot of oldies left. Please add me to any RR around. Will bring all to the Chinook Winds Mar. 17th, Arcadia on the 24th and of course the Superbowl show end of month. Anyone know when the first slot card was issued and where? The LV MInt slots club casino card is not really a slot card as we know them now since they were not inserted in the machine, but that is an oldie.