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The Chip Board Archive 21

Funny looking gotee! My observations...
In Response To: Re: my observations... ()

Puzzles like this are NOT new and I can recall being a youngster in Chicago, IL and the Tribune used to run a French cartoon that was a find-the-differences.

Now days they don't do drawings and instead do PhotoShop editing. While looking at a recent tabloid magazine (my wife loves them) they had a find the differences photo and I thought about doing a contest. Well, believe it or not, the PhotoShopping I did, which is very minimal from a experinced standpoint, took all of about an hour.

But it's the 200 emails I've received that have been taking up my time. I think I would like to do more of these, but this one has taught me a few lessons. But I'll explain that later if and when I do another. But I will say this, if I do it again, I will make the prizes more rewarding! Several people have done more work in the search than I have done in the tabulating!!!

Thanks Pam! And thanks also to everyone that has been playing. My last count was 42 individual players!


Messages In This Thread

CONTEST Time! (re-post) New Clues, Prize Change!
12 differences spotted
15 or 16 depending on how you count one.
13 differences.....up dated email sent
Re: ok.. i now see 18..i hope = )
Okay 18 now
17 different between A & B
15 now, your killing this blind guy!! vbg
18 clear and 1 iffy now !
14 I give
Re: my observations...
Funny looking gotee! My observations...
CONTEST is now closed! Results pending. New thread

Copyright 2022 David Spragg