This is just a re-post of a contest I posted late Tuesday that ends tomorrow evening (Friday), and adds this information:
Of the greater than 20 "Final" answers received so far and the various "Final Changes" to those "Final" answers ( ) I can state that while none are full and complete valid answers to the contest, collectively all of the changes have been spotted. I should also say that 3 or 4 non-existent changes have also been spotted!
While some are very close (and some are rather off) there is still time to submit and be the winner to this contest!
Please note that I have not been responding to email submittals and will not do so until a winning entrant is provided. This of course maintains a level playing field for new participants to join in!!!
This is the original scan of the PhotoShopped chip:
I used this one scan, pasted twice, onto a new canvas, so that I would have identical coloration and dimensions on both of the to-be-altered chips. The intent there was to NOT have answers along the lines of, the blue inserts on A are a different shade than the blue inserts on B. Or, that chip A is bigger than Chip B. Or, the background color of the inlay (white) is darker on chip B than it is on chip A.
So, the above image was used twice to create the side by side image of chip A and chip B. I then altered between 5 and 10 things on chip A and between 5 and 10 different things on chip B, to get the final contest image, below.
For some, seeing the original, un-retouched scan may help in finding the elusive differences, especially for those with "finds" that are closer to 10 than they are to 20. (In my line of work, this would be called a 'clue'.
As I've stated already, every difference that I made has been observed, however, there is one difference that has NOT been appropriately described by anyone (several people have a half credit). Also, there is a second, 'difficult' difference that has been fully described by most of the people that spotted it, but has been mischaracterized by others (they get a half credit) and the closest player is 2 half credits away from a win!
The following is a re-print of the original post and contest replies, in accordanace with the Rules, may be posted at this message or at the original post, or at the Wednesday update.
Thank you and have some fun!!!
The following is a full reprint of the contest:
This is the challenge...
Identify the differences between the PhotoShopped images of the same chip, in accordance with the posted rules.
The Rules:
Do NOT post your answers here! It will disqualify your entry and spoil it for others.
Do post the number of differences spotted. I am not disclosing how many there are.
Do email me the itemized differences between Chip A and Chip B, i.e., 1. Chip A is bigger than Chip B. (It's not.)
Email addy is:
I reserve the right to add or modify rules, as may be required, during the course of the Contest.
Winning Entrant:
Most correct answers. No penalty for wrong answers, unless they exceed correct answers.
Ties will be resolved in favor of the first submitted, complete response via email.
Multiple entries are permitted, but last entry will be the one that counts for quantity, correctness and time.
Choice of one of these chips:
This contest will run until we have a winner! Which must be by this Friday at 9:00 pm PST, or sooner!
So far there have been a couple of close calls, but no clear winner!
As a suggestion, I would be clearer between what is on the left (or right) of a chip and what is the bird's left (or right). And nothing is "hidden" behind anything. You either see it or not.
For those who have submitted reply posts, note the time of your reply and the time of this post. If your time is earlier than mine, then your email answers have NOT been correct!
Again, some are close, but so far no kewpie doll!
It would appear that there is still time for additional submissions and changes!
Thanks for playing along!!
Have fun!