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The Chip Board Archive 21

Those crooks at eBay just keep getting worse...

How many of you knew that eBay was doing "BETA" testing regarding their bid increments? Anyone, anyone, anyone...Bueller?? So I'm bidding on some chip & have been out-bid. My bid's around $63, so according to eBay's BID INCREMENT Help page, the next highest bid would be $64 ($1.00 more)...right?? Not so fast, Bucko -- the next bid is actually $66 -- THREE dollars ($3.00) above my bid (not $1.00 per the Help Page).

So I call eBay & the (actually) helpful person tells me that eBay has been running BETA tests on up to 20% of the auctions (from April 28th to May 12th) where they are testing out new bid increments. Any of you get a notice from eBay that they were doing this...anyone, anyone, anyone....Bueller??

Great for sellers as they will capture highest closing prices, but not so good for buyers as you will paying more. And of course, who else benefits from this?? Why eBay of course seeing as they assess their Final Valuation fees based on the closing auction price. The eBay Help Line person said that this BETA testing was noted on their eBay Community pages or some cr@p like that. Extremely irritating as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks for letting me vent. grin

Steve B

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Those crooks at eBay just keep getting worse...
Re: Those crooks at eBay just keep getting worse..
Re: Those crooks at eBay just keep getting worse..
How about e-bay CA. sales tax that is coming!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg