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The Chip Board Archive 21

Do they have a local tutor/writer (chipwise)?

Do they inventory casino chips..?

Though I do not watch the show that often (maybe tuned in 10 times since day-1), I do recall them mentioning a few times that they call in local experts.

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What's up with Pawn Stars' auction
Use "Ask a question" to contact them...
I believe I did just that ...
Yeah, it didn't work for me either...
even the Table number 3 is wrong
Part of my #1 point.
This is the third set...
Correction! I believe...
Re: This is the third set...
Re: What's up with Pawn Stars' auction
... and they're so honest on tv ---Hah!
Re: ... and they're so honest on tv ---Hah!
Do they have a local tutor/writer (chipwise)?
Maybe "Chumley" listed it. Not everyone is perfect

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