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The Chip Board Archive 21

for sale Orlean's Party Tokens for trade

What we have here are some cool party tokens. The set of 3 are all about the same size as a silver dollar. How about some fun trades or if you must, you can buy them.

You get all 3 colors for only $2.00 delivered per set or.............lets trade my three tokens for your 2 (two) one dollar chips of your choice. Your chips only need to be from actual casinos or card rooms. Condition, lets say pretty good to mint.

I do have quite a few of these sets so if you want more than one set. I have them. Just ask.

Thanks, Dennis

Messages In This Thread

for sale Orlean's Party Tokens for trade
1 set traded, thank you - more sets available
Dennis -- I'd like a set. Can I include $2 more
Steve, that sound a-ok with me
The Orleans GO Mardi Gras dabloons...
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Copyright 2022 David Spragg