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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: That is the same thing I passed up! sad Looks..

"The seller also had stickers for the Desert Inn (probably post-Wilbur Clark) and a few others. I will have to re-contact him when I have a few more dollars. By coincidence he bowls on one of the leagues my son is on."

I noticed he also had a Stardust, not sure what others that haven't been mentioned. I'm sorry I didn't buy the Dunes book as well. By the time I saw it I was spent out on Slot Glass and Chips.


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For the viewing pleasure of Pam G.!...
El Rancho Vegas, on Highway 91...
Sal Sagev Hotel, Nearest Everything!...
The Sands, a place in the sun...
All 3 in one scan...
Re: Those are great, Jim! grin
That is the same thing I passed up! sad Looks...
Re: Yep...a little something grin
Re: That is the same thing I passed up! sad Looks..
Yes Barry, it is a debilitating hobby indeed!...
Re: I'm curious...
Pam, because I still have access...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg