In a million years I didn't think you would disagree with me on that point.
lets break it up a little.
You don't disagree that a private Club can have a membership requirement which would forbid a person who sells certain materials from being a member (assuming this isn't a protected class)?
I'll assume you agree with that, although I got bit the last time I assumed you would agree with me.
If we agree that is true, than why do you believe that this Club doesn't have such authority?
The Constitution provides that the Board of Directors has the authority to create regulations for . . . any other appropriate purpose.
Whether you agree the regulation is appropriate, I assume you would agree the furtherance of the hobby is an appropriate purpose to issue regulations.
The Bylaws provide:
Any member violating the bylaws of this organization, its Constitution, or its Code of Ethics, or who has been convicted of a criminal offense, engaged in conduct unbecoming to a member, or engaging in conduct prejudicial to the welfare of the organization, shall be subject to expulsion or other disciplinary action.
Nothing here prevents the BOD from amending its Code of Ethics to prohibit the selling of slabbed chips.
Nothing here prevents the BOD from passing a rule which defines the terms "conduct unbecoming to a member" or "conduct prejudicial to the welfare of the organization"
Lastly both the Constitution and By-Laws are subject to amendment.
NOW to combine the two most recent contoversies . . .
when you propose to ban the sale of slabbed chips at Club venues, will this apply to Chapter meetings, events and newsletters?
Will it make a difference at the Chapter event if the person selling the slab is a Chapter Member who is not a Club member?