and those of you that have purchased tickets to date. Because of the continuing support & generous donations from those listed below, the 2011 Convention Raffle will be a success for both the club AND for the lucky winners!!
Our thanks go out to:
Belinda Hixon
John Gentle
Archie Black
Michael Downey
Andy Hughes
Richard Jezeski
Jim Fouch
Bob Hiestand
Jim Steffner
Sarah Bedo
Doug Deems
Doug Smith
The raffle "booty" includes almost 500 chips from all over, jetons / plaques, tokens, dice, playing cards, room cards, slot cards, over 100 matchbooks (and some cool ones at that), ashtrays, sugar packets, a Las Vegas photo album, several cool chip / chip sets in wood & velvet box displays, a gift certificate for ...and more!!
Thanks again to EVERYONE!!
Steve Bedo
Membership Officer