Hello Chippers:
The 5th leg of the Amazing Race concluded on Sunday (after a week off).
A tight one with THE GOTHS just beating out RONALD + CHRISTINA at the end. THE GLOBETROTTERS won this leg of the race for the first time. Now it gets interesting, as only 6 teams remain and in my opinion any of these teams has the ability (and with a little luck) to win it all.
Below is the standings after the 5th leg of the Amazing Race and the chipper who has been eliminated from the 3 different chip contests. Hope you don't see the face beside your name.
Position after Leg 5 of AMAZING RACE:
1) Flight Time & Big Easy Harlem Globetrotters
2) Zev & Justin Best Friends
3) LaKisha & Jen Sisters / Coaches
4) Gary & Mallory Father / Daughter
5) Jet & Cord Brothers / Cowboys
6) Kent & Vyxsin Dating Goths
7) Ronald & Christina Father / Daughter *ELIMINATED*
$1 Chip Contest
Dennis Berry ............... LAKISHA + JENNIFER
John Zoesch ............... MEL + MIKE
Dan Cooley ............... THE HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS
Dennis Garnier ............... THE COWBOYS
Mike Skelton ............... GARY + MALLORY
Micheal Levesque .............. THE CHEERLEADERS
Pat Fricke ............... RONALD + CHRISTINA
Eric Swort ............... MARGIE + LUKE
Wes Segni ............... ZEV + JUSTIN
Paul Biggs ............... AMANDA + KRIS
Tyrus Mulkey ............... THE GOTHS
$2.50 Snapper Chip Contest
Eric Swort ............... AMANDA + KRIS
Richard Jezeski ............... MARGIE + LUKE
John Zoesch ............... THE GOTHS
Fred Hempel ............... GARY + MALLORY
Dennis Berry ............... ZEV + JUSTIN
Jerry Herzog ............... LAKISHA + JENNIFER
Andy Hughes ............... MEL + MIKE
Helen Fricke ............... THE HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS
Jim Follis ............... RONALD + CHRISTINA
Derek Bistricky ............... THE CHEERLEADERS
Ralph Myers ............... THE COWBOYS
$5 Chip Contest
Richard Jezeski ............... ZEV + JUSTIN
Todd "Beek" ............... THE CHEERLEADERS
Andy Hughes ............... LAKISHA + JENNIFER
Ralph Myers ............... AMANDA + KRIS
Paul Biggs ............... THE HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS
Derek Bistricky ............... GARY + MALLORY
Robert Likes ............... THE GOTHS
Dan Cooley ............... RONALD + CHRISTINA
Fred Hempel ............... THE COWBOYS
Wes Segni ............... MARGIE + LUKE
Jim Follis ............... MEL + MIKE