Mike V says, "OK Smitty what the 7734 RU doing?"
I think I am showing signs of Old Timers! Please help me remember what the official Mr. Slashbar countdown is until the 2011
This ticket could be worth an estimated $20,000,000.00 before taxes if it hits tonight! Here are the rules to the contest:
You must post the correct number of days until the convention as an answer to this post on the subject line. It should look like this ?? DAYS LEFT BEFORE THE 2011 CONVENTION or simular with lots of
or other smileys added for color... you know... Mr. Splashbar Style.
I am in or any comment can be posted in the message body. That's Easy!!!
Posts made to any other response posts will not count.
For each correct answer posted as indicated above, $50,000.00 will be donated to the
up to 50% of the Grand Prize ticket value after taxes.
Each member that posts a correct answer will get a cool $1000.00 FUN MONEY at an OPEN BAR BASH during the convention at the 2011 SPLASHBAR!!! (Must be a member & 2011 SplashBar attendee to win this part of the contest.)
So what do you say? RU in??? *
* Contest closes tonight as the winning numbers are drawn.