and those of you that have purchased tickets to date. Because of the continuing support & generous donations from those listed below, the 2011 Convention Raffle will be a success for both the club AND for the lucky winners!!
Our thanks go out to:
Belinda Hixon
John Gentle
Archie Black
Michael Downey
Andy Hughes
Richard Jezeski
Jim Fouch
Bob Hiestand
Jim Steffner
Sarah Bedo
The raffle "booty" includes almost 400 chips from all over, 5 jetons / plaques, tokens, dice, playing cards, room cards, slot cards, over 100 matchbooks (and some cool ones at that), ashtrays, sugar packets, a Las Vegas photo album, several cool chip / chip sets in wood & velvet box displays, a gift certificate for ...and more!!
Thanks again to EVERYONE!!
Steve Bedo
Membership Officer