I agreee 100% with you. If an item is listed for sale at a set price and you are the first to respond, then the item should be yours. I WILL NOT offer more for an item than the seller wants! Why would you? I don't expect people to do this when I am selling an item either. Being that I was the first to respond and had a deal worked out withthe seller for the price that he was asking for why would it be ok for others to respond after me and to get the chips because thy offer to give more than what the seller wanted to start with? I'm not questioning the fact that the seller may be a "good guy" or a respected collector but the fact that this seemed like the wrong way to handle the situation. When I stated that this was a "very good deal" it is speaking from the eyes of a brand new collector who doesn't have a large collection of Las Vegas obsoletes and saw this to be able to add some to my collection at what I considered to be a very reasonable price. Value is different in everyones eyes. I also agree that deals should be determined by the time of posting a response on the board. This would eliminate other people trying to be underhanded and getting chips that they are not entitled to by offering more. If you don't know the value of an item and don't take the time to research it then you get whatever you ask for. Dan