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The Chip Board Archive 21
Is there a size limit on items that
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Let's try this again...
Whomever purchases
can be donated.
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How much are raffle tickets???
Glad you asked...1 for $10 or 3 for $25
...and for ticket #50
Let's try this again...
Whomever purchases
Is there a size limit on items that
Not really, Larry...especially for you since
here is that Flamingo framed picture
And Here is Flamingo Picture I Won
Probable not as big as
...and for raffle ticket #75
"I believe that this is still a live chip"...It is
...and for whomever purchases raffle ticket #100
Id like ticket 50, 75 and 100. PLEASE
Mirage roulettes
To spur more interest for the convention r
The Hard Rock token is not included...sorry
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