Very Well Put Steve!

Messages In This Thread
- Your Vote Counts!
- You Have My Vote and Support
- Barry, thank you! I recognize that a lot...
- How Do You Choose Between the 3 Candidates?
- I usually go by height; the tallest gets my vote.
- John, It does matter! I just did a search...
- The one that sends me campaign chips!
- Re: How Do You Choose Between the 3 Candidates?
- All three candidates are well-qualified, Joel...
- You Have My Vote and Support
- As a current
BoD member, I'd like to address
- Well said Steve!
- Re: Well said Steve
- Very Well Put Steve!
- Well stated as always, my friend
- Re: As a current
BoD member, I'd like to addr
- You have our votes and support Jim!
- Jim Follis-I addressed my reply on the slot BB
- Thanks Ron, and sometimes it may feel...
- Re: Your Vote Counts!
- Smitty, as you know, my collection interests are..
- Re: Smitty, as you know, my collection interests a
Copyright 2022 David Spragg