The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 21

I always practice SAFE tape!...

NEVER on chips, dice, slot cards, room keys and TITO's!! Sometimes the stick is so strong, it would take a knife to remove it. I have one chip in my collection that has a piece of tape across the inlay (a Paul-Son H/C, R-white inlay chip) that I cannot remove and it will remain there until I can upgrade the chip! sad

Bad combination!!!

Andy is right!

Thanks Andy for the reminder.


Messages In This Thread

NEVER put TAPE directly onto a chip! sad I...
Re: NEVER put TAPE directly onto a chip! sad I...
Re: NEVER put TAPE directly onto a chip! sad I...
I can't believe some collectors still do that...
Never secure a bundle with
I always practice SAFE tape!...
...and here's what can happen if you don't.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg