The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 04


Who is it? It's me. I bought a chip from a reliable, courteous and friendly dealer. After a month when it did not come, I sent a post reminding him that my check had cleared but the $5 Holiday Inn chip wasn't here. He replied immediately saying it had gone out and offered to refund my money. I said wait. And we waited but no chip. Today, my train to NYC is four hours late so made one more effort to find the chip--turned out I had written in the wrong eBay number on my checkbook--for another chip I had bid on. Have just informed Brucechips that there is more mustard on my face than I can easily scape off. His chip was in and had been within a week of the sale. So be careful you eBay and other sellers if some old fart with the above e-mail address seeks to buy a chip from you. Keep a careful record. Happy New Year (waiting for the train).

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Re: Travis: Take the "A" Train
Have a safe trip, Travis! (EOM)

Copyright 2022 David Spragg