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The Chip Board Archive 21

grin NCR ~ Wednesday Humor (Mature)... 1:47 AM, EST

Blue Diamond, a gentleman who lives out west at the base of a mountain, sent
this one about a Wal-Mart in China and its products...

Welcome to Wal-Mart China

We thought our Wal-Marts had it all.


Bulk Rice.

Mixed Meat for the choosing.

Turtles and other stuff.

You guess!

Wal-Mart Brand Spirits

Rib Cages.

Assorted Dried Reptiles.

Beautiful Boxes Of Liquor.


Great Value Brand Beef Granules.

Pig Faces.

Diet Water

Meat Water.

Specialty Pickles.

100% Powdered Horse Milk (no ponies!).

Wow! And in America...
Wal-Marts only have crazily dressed people!


Messages In This Thread

grin NCR ~ Wednesday Humor (Mature)... 1:47 AM, EST
WOW! Very Interesting! Thanks!
Re: grin NCR ~ Wednesday Humor (Mature)... 1:47 AM,

Copyright 2022 David Spragg