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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: A chipper sent me an email...

said he lost his job and had to stop chippin' but now he is working again and wants to start chippin' again. That is GREAT NEWS! He also gave me an ID on this chip! He writes, "The seller on ebay was a relative of one of the owners Luther, Owen, and Wright of the Green Mill in Rawlings, MT. It is still in operation today as a restaurant." Thanks for the ID Charlie! grin
A check with The Gaming Table shows:
The Green Mill [L.O.W.]
Hwy 30, Rawlings, WY
MOLD: Zig Zag
Owner: Luther- Owen- Wright, Cass, McNallis
OPEN 1906 Closed 1982

NOTE to Mr. Spragg: The cross reference LOW on page 302 lists "location unknown: SQINCR, ZIGZAG" Perhaps a seperate listing for L.O.W. ZigZag?

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Re: Another Unusual ZigZag UFC
Re: A chipper sent me an email...
Re: A chipper sent me an email...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg