that come back with just an answer of "no thanks, we're not interested". That's not an answer. Seems like there is no time to go over something. Maybe the person was having a rough day, maybe they could give it to another board member to look into it.
I am TRULY SORRY for the offending statement and I honestly know that it is a tough VOLUNTEER job. It has to do with just 1 thing with me, but then I seen the post Dennis made and I wondered. I am not whining that I didn't get my way about something, just felt shorted in the time given by the answer.
A just wanted to tel Dennis that just because something didn't work before before, that doesn't mean it can't work another time. I too will another time, submit the idea that I think has merit, if not for anything, but a better answer why "we're not interested".
Once again Doug, THANK YOU and the rest of the BOD for all you have done!!!