The actual Casino de Venetia is NOT the oldest in Europe nor in the world.
Some gaming web sites lead to confusion : they mix the story of IL RIDOTTO [ games
conducted during the 1638-1774 period] which was/still is located Calle del Ridotto -
1332 San Marco, with the CA' VENDRAMIN CALERGI [gaming license in 1959] located
on Gran Canale.
In an attempt to control the habit for gambling, in the seventeenth century, the state of Venezzia gave permission to Marco Dandolo to open the first public gaming home in Europe at their palace.
Il Ridotto was opened in 1638, and the players should be masked.
In 1774, the Grand Council decreed the closure on the basis that many Venetians went bust.
In 1947 the old Palazzo Dandolo became a theater and now offers a beautiful setting.
Il Ridotto was the first casino, as we actually know a casino with several gaming tables, but still we have knowledge of gaming places since romans 300 years BC.