Thanks for the post. I can certainly see your point, and I share your concern of making a wrong move that seriously costs the club. But that being said, we have been going in the wrong direction in terms of our membership numbers for several years now. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the economy, but I think we need to do something to turn it around. Rather then cut costs to save money, maybe we should look to grow the membership to raise money. Of course I know it's not as simple as that, but what I'm saying is lets try something different. It's easy for me to say "let's spend" and I know you have a way better grasp on the financials (at least I hope so! :-) but I think it's time to try something new.
You mentioned $160K out of our 265K balance is earmarked toward MoGH and Life Member fund. But that still leaves 100K right. Does a lot of that go toward convention expenses? We gotta be able to squeeze out $3,800, right? :-)
Does anyone know if we have ever tried advertising in any of the ANA publications? I would love to give it a test run and see if it brings in any new members after a 1 year trial.
Just my opinion!
Todd B.