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The Chip Board Archive 21
Here is the scan of the one I sold years ago.
In Response To:
Notched Splash chip
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Notched Splash chip
Go to $1000
Re: Go to $1000
Just bid $500 then
Do you have a link?
I couldnt find it.
Auction ended at $178
Re: BTW... Your Kidding.
Re: BTW... Your Kidding.
No max bet at Splash as I played poker there many
Here is a scan of my Players Card
Here you go, here is the link:
Jim, I think this may be the same chip I sold 5-6
Re: Jim, I think this may be the same chip I sold
Here is the scan of the one I sold years ago.
Re: Here is the scan of the one I sold years ago.
You are correct Keith, I had forgotten that.
Re: You are correct Keith, I had forgotten that.
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