I agree with you. These chips looked to be put together by an old time collector. I didn't see any chip newer than the 1940s. A lot of the chips had been used a great deal. There were even to well used ivory chips in the bunch. I was rooting through a little box of loose chips and not really seeing much when one of the shop owners told me he had just gotten some old chips in. He puts a cardboard box on the table with a carousel and two other small wood chip holders. There were also a bunch of old chips with a hole in the center. There were other boxes of plain chips that I didn't mess with. When I fingered through the chips in the racks I just about keeled over. I only saw a few but, saw enough. Trying not to look too interested, I asked how much for the three chip holders. Then he says what really throws me off guard. "What do you think is a fair price". My head was spinning. I said how about $75. In stead of laughing and asking for a lot more, which I expected, he said OK. I bought a few other chips to make it an even $100. After looking at a few other things trying not to look too excited, I grabbed the box and didn't look back. On the way home I stopped in a parking lot to look through what I had and was dumb founded. I knew I had some good stuff. It doesn't matter what some of the chips are supposedly worth, I want to keep them.....they're priceless.