Allow me to give an example of the active role CC>CC could take in expanding the hobby of chip collecting.
The biggest threat currently to the chip collecting hobby is the production of LE for the sole reason of profit. Two of the more aggressive casinos are the Four Queens and the Riviera. Look at what they are offering as chips and how often LEs are being cranked out. They are producing crap!
You want to do something to help the hobby? The best way to stimulate growth and add enjoyment to chip collecting is to encourage "crossover" activity. By this I mean getting well-known images which have large followings. Currently, most casinos are happy to produce "Pit Viper" chips and the like because they receive 100% of the profits. They'd rather not pay 25% to for licensing fee. As long as you keep accepting that, you'll keep getting mediocre releases and the hobby will suffer.
Casinos have to pay a licensing fee to use copyrighted images. Depending of the subject, the fee could be huge or minimal. The club could ask members who or what they'd like to see on casino chips. Then the people in position of power within the club could do a little research and contact the copyright holders.
Other members of the club could approach various casino advertising departments and find one willing to issue a design once an arrangement is worked out between the casino and the copyright owner.
One of the current popular new shows on television this season is CSI which is filmed in Las Vegas. A club member could do a little digging and contact the producer of the show. Asking them if they'd consider featuring a series of casino chips with the lead actors of the series pictured along with the "CSI" logo.
Another member could approach, say, the Hard Rock promotions department and see if they would be interested in the idea while stating the casino would have the full endorsement of CC>CC.
Once an agreement between the Hard Rock and the CSI producers is reached ask the Hard Rock for a press release about the chip designs. CC>CC members throughout the United States (and other countries) could walk the press release into their local newspapers press room. Expressing excitement and enthusiasm in person helps a lot in developing interest for reporters to run with the story.
For the annual convention, approach various copyright holders who were cooperative with the clubs efforts and offer to pay a appearance fee. Ask the producer of CSI about the possibility of getting one or two of the actors. Then create your own CC>CC press release about the convention and the special guests-of-honor who will be in attendance to sign autographs.
In this scenario, the CC>CC has taken an active role in the promotion of the hobby, increased the enjoyment, and reached a larger market encouraging new collectors to come aboard! It is quite possible that some club members who take these extraordinary steps could find themselves in a new job working directly for a casinos promotions department.
Don't think it'll work? Why do you suppose gaming manufacturers are scrambling to secure recognizable copyrights? How many have played "Wheel of Fortune", "Addams Family", or "I Dream of Jeannie" because of name brand recognition? You could start with the copyright owners who have already shown interest in linking their names to the casino industry. And the Hard Rock seems most willing to pay licensing fees with examples like "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and "Van Morrison" already behind them.
If I were in an organization founded on the desire to promote and expand the hobby in the best possible way THAT is the route I'd take. Having people sign their name to a list denouncing "slabbing" and all who associate with the practice isn't fun nor enjoyable. It's a goddamn funeral procession!