I am now eating crow, because I was one who complained when I didnt receive my chips when I was in the last contest. For that, I want to apologize to everyone on this board. You are a great group of men and women, and I by no means intentionally didnt send the chips I owe. I now understand why I had the error. I was in 2 pools, and I know I sent two sets of chips. What I NOW realize, (brain malfunction) is that there is 2 PARTS to the 2 pools. I am very sorry, and I believe the other two winners will verify that I sent them extra chips for being so patient, as well as what I am going to do tonight.
Thank you again and I promise (as best as my brain will allow me too) to keep on top of this, and make sure I send out what I owe. You guys are the best.
Dave Trevett