... in all of its manifestations, David.
>> It may be a politically astute position for you to take though (I'm not
>> saying you're taking the position for this reason) since the two
>> candidates that are taking more moderate positions may split the vote
>> of the members that would like the club to take a more moderate position
>> and you may get elected by the minority that favors a more extreme position.
If the scenario you describe plays out, it will be more like dumb luck than political astuteness. Don't forget, I announced my position on this before either Nate or Jim S. I had no idea what they would say. Or what the feeling among other club members would be. For all I knew, I could just as easily have been sounding the death knell to my own "political" aspirations.
In fact, I announced my opinion without discussing it in any way with the other TEAMWORK candidates that I have endorsed and who have endorsed me. Initially, of course, even Neal didn't agree with me. He has since said that he does. Neither Marty nor Ralph has expressed a public opinion on the subject. So much for my political expertise.
BTW, my willingness to take a strong stand on this issue and to say so over and over has tended to obscure the fact that Jim Episale first proposed banning slabbed chips from the auction and the convention floor. I reposted the proposal, but (as Peter Sanders noticed) did not immediately endorse it. When Peter asked, I said I supported the auction ban, but reserved judgement on the issue of the convention floor. While cogitating on that, I read the constitution and bylaws, as well as the Code of Ethics, to see exactly what I thought about whether we could do such a thing. Then I had one of those "epiphanies", when things are suddenly and clearly revealed (thanks again to Peter Sanders, though it came via a mistaken reading of one of his posts).
I now see clearly that slabbing is bad for our hobby and we should do NOTHING to encourage or permit it. As Peter didn't say, but as I read it, "Not banning slabbed chips is the same as endorsing them".
The vast majority of those who have expressed an opinion are opposed to the slabbing of chips (and tokens, Marv!). Passive resistance will get them jammed down our throats, like them or not.
Not in my house. Not on my watch. Not in my hobby. Not without a fight.
God, I hate disagreeing with my friends. ----- jim o\-S