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The Chip Board Archive 04

Wasn't Limited Edition originally treated contempt

How many of you have been around long enough to remember old-time chip collectors using these very same rallying cries against limited edition chips?

Personally, I've been collecting casino chips since 1989. I seldom collect limited edition chips because, I feel, they are a pseudo-collectible created by casinos for the express purpose of being hoarded by speculators.

Limited edition chips don't appeal to me. Should I start saying the existance of such chips be ignored? That TRUE chip collectors should avoid contact with people known for limited editions or risk being shunned by the group?

Attitudes like that make the Amish seem progressive and trendsetting.

If someone wants to pay 5Xs or more for a chip just because a registered group appraised it then let them. What is it exacting that's bugging some of you about this? Is it that you might have the same item in better condition, but it's not considered by novices to be worth as much as an XYZ slabbed item?

An item or service is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. The only way slabbing will be a threat is if lots of speculators and newbies clamor for it. Just like they did with limited edition casino chips.

Messages In This Thread

Slabbing & Grading Casino Chips
Re: Slabbing & Grading Casino Chips
Re: Slabbing & Grading Casino Chips
Re: Slabbing & Grading Casino Chips
Re: Name
KINGDINOSAUR - The Name of Slabbed Chips!
Re: You taught me something......
Wasn't Limited Edition originally treated contempt
Re: Wasn't Limited Edition originally treated cont
Who the #&&$*% is Kingdinosaur....
Re: Who the #&&$*% is Kingdinosaur....
Guess again....
Re: Guess again....
Re: I think there are only 3 ...
Try Las Vegas (EOM)
Re: Wasn't Limited Edition originally NO

Copyright 2022 David Spragg