The Aruban has been sold to a company owned/controled by Carl Ican. It will now be known as the Tropicana Aruba resort(or something like that) The old Key Largo casino is on track to open as soon as possible with the name Tropicana casino. The old Royal Cabana Casino is scheduled to be completly done over & opened whenever(Heard that before???) Also, the operators who have leased space in the LaCabana BRC have received all the permits they need from the Aruban Government & have scheduled a Pre-Construction meeting next week. They say 3/4 months & they will be up & operating. Looks like some new chips for my spring trip, but remember this is still "ARUBA" & nothing is final until it's final. Anyhow, that's the latest news from the Island. Enjoy, "MR SPLASHBAR" WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!