I missed the show, woke up in time to see TC, which gotta be in the top 10.
Dennis Berry-------------Ben Henry
Fred Hempel-------------Jillian Behm
Paul Bachtel--------------Jimmy Johnson
Tyrus Mulkey-------------Brenda Lowe
Marty Robbins-----------Matthew Lenahan
Michael Downey--------Shannon Elkins..2nd to go, open mouth, insert foot..ever watch Survivor before?
Derek Bistricky ---------Judson Birza
Eric Swort------------------James Tarantino
Jason Skinner-------------Jane Bright
Virgil Foss-----------------Na Mixon
Rick Pokracki-------------Kelly Bruno
Andy Hughes-------------Chase Rice
Bill Purcell------------------Yve Rojas
Michael S Levesque----Dan Lembo
Todd Beek------------------Alina Wilson
Ralph Myers---------------Marty Piombo
Paul Biggs------------------Tyrone Davis
Robert Likes---------------Holly Hoffman
Dave Hepburn------------Wendy Jo...1st to go...why? she doesnt even have blisters on her feet...shessh