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The Chip Board Archive 20

Potential ccgtcc new members on the fence-challenge

If you join our club this weekend, I will send you one of the following:

Your choice of one these groups: (will consider choices of types only ie Nevada, Indian etc.)

a) 10 $1 Dollar chips

b) 10 .25c and 50c chips mixed

c) 5 $2 chips

d) 4 $2.50c (Snappers)

e) 3 $5 chips

f) Grab bag of $20 face value STRICTLY MY CHOICE

Hope this helps motivate at least one fence

Any other members want to add to the kitty, hop aboard.


Messages In This Thread

Potential ccgtcc new members on the fence-challenge
Re: Potential ccgtcc new members on the fence-challe
An offer I can't refuse... vbg
Richard Gummer and welcome aboard
Re: Potential ccgtcc new members on the fence-challe
I say yes and welcome
Re: I say yes and welcome
Carl Congrats...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg