Robert is absolutely right. paulson will not let you use anything else other than the non-exlusive colors and edgespots for non-gaming chips. i fought tooth and nail to get personal color combinations to no avail.the reason being so no one can stack "dirty chips" at legal establishments. annother great example of a colletible chip with paulsons predetermined color combinations is the spice house chip, a local reno strip club. the tiki club was opened in 1994 at a location here in reno nv. it is a social or "private club" consisting of members of various like-minded individuals (gambling oriented etc.) that have exclusive rights to the club. every member pays monthly dues. the money goes into a general fund for rental space, power and general maintenance of the club. every member in turn has their own key and can use the club for activities related. no money is exchanged in the club. we used to use the starburst paulson chips, but for various reasons, we had to go to enumerated chips. we also have a full service bar, a 12 ft. craps table and a few 'holdem
tables. that's the general idea behind the club. i only had about 30 chips at my disposal. most i have either traded or sold outright. mostly traded.