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The Chip Board Archive 20

Since you asked....

~ Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years.

I am guessing I will be confined to laying on my back in a small cramped box with no lights, A/C, or TV. It will be cool and dark and sounds will only be occasional muffled thumps of something heavy hitting the ground above. Eventually my place will develop a leak and it will begin to get musty. The whole place will be rotten and falling apart (like the rest of the neighborhood). I won't mind, one place is as good as another- I am finding my 'Roots' as they grow in. Technology will be at a stand still and nothing much happening. . . . . . vbg

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grin NCR ~ Thursday Humor... 12:04 AM, EDT
Since you asked....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg