... Michael:
>> So, if you had a chip valued at $100.00, you would list it at $100.00 and no
>> reserve? How many bids do you think you would get starting it at $100.00?
What is the practical difference between listing at $100 opening bid and listing at $9.99 opening with a reserve of $100? In either case, it takes $100 to buy the the item.
If I would get no bids starting at $100, I will also get no winning bid with a $100 reserve. Either way, the item doesn't sell.
>> Or, you would list it at $9.99 with NO reserve, and pray that eBay would not
>> have an outage during the last few minutes of the auction when the snipers
>> move in?
Isn't there a middle ground, Michael? Say, put it up with an opening bid of $79.99 or something like that? In any case, if the seller is not willing to sell for less than $100, why not just put a $100 opening bid on it and save everyone a lot of trouble.
>> I understand any given bidder being reluctant to bid on a reserve price
>> auction, what I have a hard time understanding is why buyers are so willing
>> to criticize sellers who choose to take advantage of the reserve price
>> format.
I don't recall criticizing any seller for using the reserve price format; certainly the post to which you replied did not do so (unless you inferred such criticism from my statement that I wouldn't bid on such an auction without knowing the reserve price, which inference would be unwarranted). My criticism is of eBay for allowing reserve price auctions at all.
I will say now unequivocally that, if and when I ever sell anything on eBay (which at present I do not), I will NOT use the reserve price option. I will also charge only actual costs of shipping and packing, with no markup, or will add nothing for shipping and handling (haven't made up my mind about this one yet). And I will describe anything I sell fairly and accurately. And I will offer a no questions asked return policy. And I will in all respects abide by the CC>CC Code of Ethics.
----- jim o\-S