I understand your comment, Robert.
My reply was directed to Peter who indicted he would like to see the eBay business run differently.
Part of making the 'system' work is for each individual who is offended by a listing, or the action of a seller, to contact Safe Harbor. It doesn't bother me that the seller in the caribbean is trying to promote his on line casino in the auction and I haven't responded. It's obvious to anyone who looks at the listing that he is hype'ing the sale with a shill; there's no deception here as far as I'm concerned. It's like the oriental carpet shop that has a going-out-of-business sale every month <g>.
If there's any fraud going on, it's the operation of these on line casinos themselves. I cannot understand who would send money to a foreign business hoping they will respond by saying "You won... here's your jackpot!". It's risky enough to drop your coins in a slot machine in a US casino and hope the gaming authorities are keeping the operators somewhat honest in paying back some of the cash that customers "contribute". These cyber casinos can do whatever they want!