I wish to God I had the "Words" to express how I feel right now. I am embarrassed, Thankful, Grateful, tired, hurting and worried!!!! I really wish I could put into words how Thankful I am to each and everyone of you for putting up with me all these years. Some of you have sent me chips,,,,, Just because, Some have traded with me when I had "Crap" just so I could get the chip I wanted. Some of you have sent me Train tokens that I couldn't afford to buy. Some of you have made me great deals on chips that you could have gotten a lot more out of on eBay. Some of you have bought chips from me to help me out when I am sure you didn't want them or need them. Some of you have sent me Personal chips that I have NEVER seen before!!!! I wouldn't have what I have now if it wasn't for the Greatest Club in the World!!!! I said that years ago and I say it today and I will until I die!!! No matter what happens,,, Thank You ALL for allowing me to be a Hillbilly Personal collecting idiot in this Great Family. My wife and I BOTH cried when we seen this. You have no idea what your Thoughts & Prayers mean to us!!!! You cannot put a price tag on that no matter where you go. I have a AWESOME shirt that a member sent me and it is so very COOL I have never wore it because I am afraid I would mess it up!! I have many Personals that I NEVER thought I would get Thanks to you all. I have chips, Bank notes, cards, brochures, matchbooks, and even some Playboys thanks to you all. I could write a BOOK on you all. Like I said before, I wish I was smart enough to express my gratitude and Thankfulness that I feel right now!!!! I have the Very Best Friends in the World. Please once again, Keep both of us in your Thoughts & Prayers,,,,, Lord knows we need it. I have to have Tonya at the "Specialist" tomorrow. Please pray that it has not done any damage to her beyond repair and that they can find something that will help her!! She is my "Angel" and I can't imagine 1 day without her. Thank you all once again. PLEASE forgive me if I have left anyone out or shorted anyone in anyway with this post. I pray to God before I die I would love to meet you all at the Convention and shake your hand!!!! That would be a Dream Come True!!!! Hell, I might even "Hug" a few of you!!!!
Take care my Friends and Have a great day, Mark & Tonya