The postal employees are told to price things the wrong way. A week ago I had to correct the employee about a package I was sending. This is not a new policy but one they have had for several years. She put my package on the PO cardboard form and told me "See it is not large enough to be a large envelope". Over 1/4" means that it is too thick to be an envelope (mine was). I had to point out to her the line on her form that said that if ANY dimension exceeds the letter size then it goes to the next postal rate (large envelope). She charged me the correct rate but I don't think it is my job to tell them how to do their job.
Another thing they try to get me on sometimes is reusing uncancelled postage. The postal rules state that it is the delivery persons job to cancel any postage before delivery that the machines missed. If he doesn't do it then it is OK to reuse it.