I haven't posted lately because I've been busy converting my chip collection from Checkmate to Collectors Assistant (CA). I bought CA from Terry just before the convention. Overall I am very pleased with the program. The support from Terry and Carlisle Development has been outstanding. The biggest advantages of CA over Checkmate are, Chip images are larger and much clearer, You can have multiple files for your collection i.e., LV, NV, Wet etc,
data entry fields can be modified/added, and much, much more.
If you are a new collector and haven't already got thousands of chips in another program, than this is (IMO) a must have. If you have a large collection already, the only downside is the amount of time (a lot) it would take you to enter data and images. Terry's provided thousands of chips that come with the program and these will give you a jump start. In my case, I used about 400 of his scans/data and was able to select/enter them in about 3 hrs.
Bottom line, I would rate this program 8-9 out of 10.