March 13th IS available

Messages In This Thread
2011 Calendars
- Is December 20th available
- December 20th is NOT available
- What About January 27th?
- January 27th IS available, Joel
- I'd like to Reserve January 27th, Steve
- Is June 7th availble
- June 7th is availble -- the 6th? Not so much
- Is October 9th available?
- October 9th IS available
- I will reserve that date please. TY...
- I don't know when or if the PayPal payment
- Is July 6th available?
- I have reserved July 6th for you, Derek
- Is March 13th available?
- March 13th IS available
Check will be mailed...
- Thank you -- March 13th is reserved for you
- How about November 29???
- You had reserved that date already, John
- Steve Is Dec. 16th available?
- Dec. 16th IS available, Fred
- Please reserve thanks Fred Lamb
- Steve, you can take paypal payments to
- Thanks, David...
- Is that to Buy the Calendar and the Date?
- Yes, you could.
Me thinks you presume too much...
- I'd like to reserve April 15, 2010 Scott
- How 'bout April 15, 2011 instead??
- October 19th chip emailed
- You know you also bought June 11th
- June 11 chip has been emailed
- Is December 15th Available?
- Yes it is...I'll reserve it for you, Dave
- Re: Yes it is...I'll reserve it for you, Dave
- I would like March 1st.
- March 1st is taken, Larry...sorry
- Steve, please reserve August 22 for me, OK
- Already had you down for that date, Frank...
Copyright 2022 David Spragg