You may have a very valid idea. Especially with all of the BOD but one ot 2 QUITTING when their term is up, WONDER WHY. Maybe a good idea to post your idea on the AC Club BB as it has been dead for weeks, sure doesn't seem to have any interest anymore. Rickey P, John C and myself have tried to get a chip show put together for years now ,only to be shot down by the Pres and the BOD, just maybe MD,PA or DE would be a better location as NJ sure doesn't seem as something like this ever happening.Trouble with AC to me seems only cares to make a $$$$$$ and forget about collecting and having fun.
Todd Moyer who was a PRINCE for us collectors while he was at Trump Marina is now GM at Rivers Casino in Pittsburg, I'm sure he will be pumping then out there and may be a person for us to contact for help with your idea, as Pittsburg is 8 hrs from here.
I'm sure I will catch flake here and privately, but that's AC way.