I would like to sponsor a contest today.
So here it is. Below is a scan of tokens. You have to take a guess as to how much face value is there in the scan. The person who comes closest, either above or below the actual value, wins the tokens and the set of PALMS 5th Annual Poker Tournament chips. The Palm set is in mint condition. This is my way of giving back to this group the amount of help and fun they have brought to this hobby. HOWEVER!!!! THERE IS ONE RULE!!!!! As you may know, I have won 2 No Hitter contests. Out of a possible 9 members, the same 5 people who were to send me chips on that game have done so, the others have no lived up to thier obligation. I will leave it up to the general opinion of the responses. If everyone feels they have a right to win, then if they guess correctly, then I will let them win. This contest is open for 24 hours, or if someone hits it right on the nose, and the winner will be posted as soon as I can after that. Thank you all, stay cool in this heat.