Not Spam!!!! When I was under on the table I was trying to figure out what and how i was going to bring something out of all this to share with my chipper friends. What I can say now is that this part of my life is a lot different than I had ever imagininded!!! I had retired , that looked like it was gonna be grand. I had done the basics, planned and savedbut little did I know what was around the corner. Firsts off, my cobra denied me coverage, bogusly (I"m ssure) claiming I hadn't sent in an enrollment form. So...mail off anything like this by priority mail and get routing #'s and proof of delivery. So I'm crazy dto get out of the hospital butd i can't go home as they've detrmined that I can nodt live alone anymore and need a full-time caregiver. an expensive proposistion for some one with $600 pills $1400 radiation sessions 33 days in a row. How about assistance programs? Nope, all that planning and saving had gotten me too fat on "assets" a 401k, four IRAs and a 5 year old subaru put me way over the Social Security rich guys limidt of $2000. my sister tap danced our way between the raindrops and I finally arrived dry as a bone with a SS disability. This meant that I could figure out an assited living situastion that I could afford. some of these outfits aare looking for @ $2500 a month! I skinnied into an adult fostercare home
that is working out splendidly for me. But I do wish to point out that you ought to put some serious thougght into assissted living insurance because boy, howdy, this paaaaart of my life is sure different than I had ever imagined! felt petty smaaarty- pants that I was covered okay!
DThe folks that caare for mersun a senior placement bussiness and they both have assited care insurance. Just sayin' ya know, that it would be abig help when the day comes when you're[/i wandering around that supermarket in Bakaersfield!
Oh yeah, don't smart off to the nurses when you in the hospital, they'lldrop a poison pill in your jacket, "verbally abusive" problem behaviour" or some such that will blackball you down the road. the vindicdtive dogs.