I don't know what your situation is but if I can help you Bob I surely will. Losing your home is one thing and I am sure you are far from being homeless... but if you need it... I have a motor home here that we used to leave at the lake in the summer. Doc Mayberry says, "no more sun on that 'big fat' nose!" Well... he did not make fun of my proboscus, but I can't take the boat to the lake anymore and drink beer all day in the sun like I used to do.

It would need a little work but what it needs the most is a woman's touch. (yes & my nose needs that too

) It is a P-30 Chassis 454 with 67k and still a good runner. I think some desert critter chewed through the rubber gas line at the tank. It starts and runs fine but then quits at about 1/2 tank. The tank is MT & ready to drop. You are in Colorado and that is not all that far from here and if you need help let me know. I am sure I can put you to work if you need it too. You know cars & I have a couple hundred Police Interseptors to keep on the road here. I could use some good help here.