Tornadoes that were touching down all over Oklahoma about three weeks ago caused the the rescheduling of a drag racing event in Tulsa to June 25-27. I'd love to do like I did last year due to having to cover another rescheduled event - fly out Monday of convention week and fly home Wednesday just so I could hang out with my friends for a few days, and see if I could continue my streak of two South Point stays with a royal flush hit each time, but I just can't afford it. Now if someone wanted to buy me a plane ticket for a Monday-Wednesday convention visit, I'd find a way to cover the rest of my expenses. I don't see that happening, so it looks like I'll miss this one completely. That'll make it four missed since I joined the

in 1998. That's not a bad attendance record, but I wish I could have made them all. Our convention is the best party of the year in many ways!