BriaN: That's exactly my point. It's up to the announced candidates to tell them they are seeking office and are looking for their support. A few announced candidates have done exactly that by taking ad space in the current issue of the club magazine. They also could have done so by distributing flyers and promotional materials at the now-concluded 2000 convention where a majority of members were assembled. They can also make mailings at their own expense to all members utilizing the club directory. However, it is (by far) less expensive and responsive for candidates to reply to club member's messsages of inquiry who are on-line, and who have posted questions on this bb and on the club bb in my opinion.
At any rate, all candidates who have accepted their nominations after Elections Chairman Gene Trimble contacts them, will have their names, photos, and background sketches published in the next issue of the club magazine so that ALL club members can decide whom to vote for.