Good Evening. I have a computer problem / question. The other night I created an eBay "Me" page. I scanned some chips & stuff, saved the image as a jpeg, and "put" the image in my "Yahoo" photo album. (I know my ISP will give me some free storage space, but those guys are a pain in the neck to talk to & the directions on their Home Site are too complicated for me.) Anyway, I inputed the URL into my eBay "Me" page & the image appeared. Everything was great until Saturday afternoon. The image disappeared. All I can see is a "broken icon". I sent an email to eBay Support & received a nice reply from Todd S. in eBay Customer Support. He tells me, "I find that your image service is blocking the picture from being displayed on eBay... The hosting service is blocking the image from linking to eBay." Believe it or not I know what this means! I just do not know what to do about it. Any suggestions? Is there another place on the net where I can "park" my image that WILL link to eBay? I tried (a site I use when I list on eBay), but they have changed their policies & an image will be deleted after 30 days. ANY help is very much appreciated.
Thank you. (We now return you to our regularly scheduled program.)
Dave Smith in NH
"Live Free or Die"