- I've posted these facts before, some readers may
- A casino in Nevada you may have never been to
- Re: A casino in Nevada you may have never been to
- We stayed often on yearly trips to L.T.
- New acquisitions
- Very nice, Torrey...as always
- **NY Metro Club Meeting**
- A friend is traveling to Munich, Germany...
- Maybe this will help. Check this site.
- Good stuff - thank you John.
- We loved the Bavarian Alps and drove down to
- Me, too... 1962-1963, München
$10 Tropicana (Club Royal) A.C., NJ
- Sweet chip! I paid more than that for mine.
$5 Seminole HR 12pc Uncirc. Set-Tampa, FL
- Suggestions for Chip Board sellers
- Re: Suggestions for Chip Board sellers
- I agree, Ed...really cleans up the
- Re: I like it!
- Agree 100% great idea
- Cruising on the Carnival Horizon, Need Chips?
Westside Lanes Casino 2pc Set Olympia,WA
St Jo Casino 3pc Set St. Joseph, MO
$2.50 CC-GTCC/South Point - Las Vegas, NV
This chip is Sold
- Today's Token
The Daily Joker
- Re:
The Daily Joker
- Same guy different deck, ty Chuck
- Re: Same guy different deck, ty Chuck
- I meant stars on my joker
- Fox hunter
$5 Harrah's - Funner, CA
Maverick's Poker 2pc Set Port Huron, MI
$1 Kenmore Lanes Casino - Kenmore, WA
- Help With Values Please
- Re: Help With Values Please
- Re: Help With Values Please
- Re: Help With Values Please
- Today's Car
5 Nevada Postcards
$5 Barona's (Kenny Rogers)Lakeside, CA
Anique Chips Stop Monkeying II
$25 Chipco International
A Harvest Adventure Story
- Think I now have the $3 Chukchansi chip,
Am Bartendars & Dealers School 2pc Set
Aces Casino 3pc Set Spokane, WA
$5 Classic Poker Cr. So. Caribbean
- Cards
- FS Tropworld AC Johnny Mathis
- A look back in history of Resorts Int'l A.C.
- FS The Grand AC 50'S classic cars
- A look back in history at the 500 Club in A.C.
- 500 Club in A.C. Good stuff Archie
- Chip for Today
- Ralph, Thanks For The Room Key
$1--$2.50--$5 DESERT DIAMOND
- FS Trumps Castle Veterans Day 1996
- Chip submitted to the Guide
- FS The Grand AC Dizzy Dolphin
- FC The AC Grand, Greek Celebration
- FS The Grand AC 60th anniversary.
- FS AC Hilton Boxing HOF
- Interesting fact about these chips....
- Jack Dempsey at the Mizpah in Tonopah...
- Antique mall find...
- Re: Antique mall find...
- Rich, thanks. I was just lamenting to the...
- Re: Antique mall find...
- Re: Antique mall find...
- I Like Them....
- The owner of the New Gardena Club - used to
- Havasu Landing Resort and Casino II
- Re: Havasu Landing Resort and Casino II
- straight flush beats quads fr $160,000 pot,Wynn LV
- Nice pic Robert !!! Your site is awesome !!!
- When that happened to me
- Question In 20 years will our club be alive?
- Yes, though the name had changed ~~~
- Right about the 3 States of California
- Just saying...NCR
- Is your stepladder for sale?
- Harley trike ready for spring!
- Hi Jim, it looks so much better right side up
- Re: Harley trike ready for spring!
- Re: Harley trike ready for spring!
Jack Detroit sample set
- My only twp MOP sets
- Re: My only twp MOP sets
Horseshoe Cleveland sample set
- Hotrod of the day for 2-26-20...NCR
- Couple of holes in my collection
- $1 Trade Multiples (groups 3 & 4)...
chips wanted
- hareley chips
- Antique Chip? Donkey-Elephant
- Re: Antique Chip? Donkey-Elephant
- Examples....
- Re: Antique Chip? Donkey-Elephant
Players Casino Cards
- 1 set sold, I have another
- all sold, thank you
- New acquisitions
- Re: New acquisitions
- Re: New acquisitions
- Now now Garin your stuff is grand !!!
- Re: Oh I always read your posts.........
- Awesome T
- He did like that I had an interest in his place of
- Comments welcome on this hot stamp
- Ron, 2 things happened here....
- Thanks Jim
Nevada Hotel & Casino $100
- SOLD if still available
Lucky Eagle 7pc Set Rochester, WA
$1 BB Cody's(Chipco)Deadwood, SD
5 Nevada Postcards
$5 Bally's - Tunica, MS
This chip is Sold
Golden Nugget 2pc Set Mill Creek, WA
This set is Sold
$1 Four Queens (House) Las Vegas, NV
A Harvest Adventure Story
- At first look
$25 Resorts - Tunica, MS
(Carnival) Splendor 3pc Set WET
$3 Peppermill - Reno, NV
- Chips from Beatty, Nevada
Crapper Jacks 2pc Set Crip. Crk., CO
River Casino 3pc Set Nashua, NH
$1 O'Shea's-CC GTCC Las Vegas, NV
- Cards
- They have been seen in the Mojave desert
- wow, hats off to whoever designed the flyer
- Awesome I hope that’s a real flyer !!! Should
- Today's Car
One Mississippi, Two...
The Daily Joker
- Re:
The Daily Joker
- NY, NY very colorful, ty Chuck
- Extra Jokers
- I like the Wind Mills, tho' ty Roy
Ringo's Little Vegas 4pc Set Spokane, WA
Stanley Casinos 2pc Set Various, UK
This Set is Sold
$5 Slots A Fun 2004 Las Vegas, NV
Foreign Traders
- Chip for Today
One Or All*ft*
- FS AC Hilton New Year 1998
- Fs Sands AC Millennium chip
- FS Sands AC Miss America 1999
- FS Sands AC Miss Anerica 1998
- Caesar at the Lake!
- Re: Caesar at the Lake!
- Thanks Rich - $1 chips from everywhere...
- Hotrod of the day for 2-25-20...NCR
- Beautiful hood ornament
- Re: How was the LV Nascar race?
- Re: How was the LV Nascar race?
- Re: Hotrod of the day for 2-25-20...NCR
- 1970
- looks like jessica simpson
- Re: looks like jessica simpson
- Re: looks like jessica simpson
- Oh shoot, well didn’t miss you
- You're correct Mark, my bad.
- Wow that’s hot and the car too.
- Weekend Finds at Kobey's San Diego
- Re: Weekend Finds at Kobey's San Diego
- Wonder how far this Corona as Virus will go?
- I'm more concerned with this.
- Rich, I can't stop laughing.
That is so funny ~
- Re: Rich, I can't stop laughing.
That is so fun
- Re: Wonder how far this Corona as Virus will go?
- Re: Wonder how far this Corona as Virus will go?
- Re: Wonder how far this Corona as Virus will go?
- Re: Wonder how far this Corona as Virus will go?
- Re: Wonder how far this Corona as Virus will go?
- Re: Wonder how far this Corona as Virus will go?
- Re: Wonder how far this Corona as Virus will go?
- Re: Wonder how far this Corona as Virus will go?
- Re: Wonder how far this Corona as Virus will go?
- The “Westside Strip”
- Re: Link to the story
- Cool, thanks
- Chip ID please.
- Re: Chip ID please.
- Re: Chip ID please.
- Re: Chip ID please.
- Re: Chip ID please.
- Re: Chip ID please.
- Re: Chip ID please.
- Re: Chip ID please.
- Re: Chip ID please.
- Sands Chips
Auctions Ending Soon
- These chocolate-dipped pistachio biscuits are $90.
6 chips for $10 shipped
- The smallest token
- Re: The smallest token
- Only 10 examples made for delivery ~~~
- I wonder if the rest are still in the building??
- Re: I wonder if the rest are still in the building
Elvis at Harrah's
Golden Coin at Tim's 4pc Set Manson, WA
Daytona Bch NCV Oversized Chip
- Though not uncommon; not listed in ChipGuide,.
- voila
- Re: Though not uncommon; not listed in ChipGuide,.
- Wow Roy nice example !!!
- Merveilleux!
Freddie's 3pc Set Fife, WA
Stanley Casino Albion-Salford, UK
$5 Rio(Carnival of Poker)LV, NV
A Harvest Adventure Story
- Cards
Lucky Ticket 5pc Set Spokane, WA
This Set is Sold
Cafe Arizona 2 pc Set Federal Way, WA
This Set is Sold
- Chip for Today
$5 Four Queens '95 DT LV, NV
- Today's Car
5 Nevada Postcards
- I want #175 Bellagio.
#175 is Sold - All others still avail.
$100 Funsters - SeaTac, WA
Silver Dollar Casino 3pc Set Renton, WA
$1 Golden Nugget - Tukwila, WA
The Daily Joker
- Re:
The Daily Joker
- One word Chuck...Cute... ty sir
- Blue
- Blue was definitely different, Roy...TY
Tinian Dynasty 2pc Set
Silver Dollar Casino 3pc Set MLT, WA
Paulsen Share the Wealth Jackpot
6 chips for $10 shipped
- GO Desert Diamond, AZ
- NCR: The Newlyweds-A Sweet Story (Humor for Monday
- Love these posts Monday am !!
- Re: Love these posts Monday am !!
denomination 200+
- A supposed "limited edition"
- Re: A supposed "limited edition"
- but where did that number come from?
- If your are...
- Mark, the way I see this is...
- Re: Mark, the way I see this is...
- Re: Mark, the way I see this is...
- So Mark, the way I see this is...
- Good answer Jim
- New Chips For Trade, $1 and $5
- Email Sent...Thanks
- Hotrod of the day for 2-24-20...NCR
- Chips Received A.J. Thanks!
- OK, I guess It's safe to call this a Roulette chip
- Anyone Here From Baton Rouge, LA?
This Weeks Listings
- Nice Chips
Vegas & Others Take A Look
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- My Opinion!
- Very powerful and helpful post A.J. I agree 100%!
- Re: My Opinion!
- Excellent post agree 100% Tks.
- The lack of response is not uncommon ~~~
- Sharp Point, John..
- Also, we can not assume ~~~
- Re: My Opinion!
- Re: My Opinion!
- Very little is being shared here. 100% factual.
6 chips for $10 shipped
6 chips for $10 shipped
see list below
Jacks or Better 4pc Set Jax, FL
B.A.R.G.E 2008 - 8pc Set Las Vegas, NV
- $1 Trade Multiples...
- I Will Buy One Gulf Stream
- E-mail sent - thanks A.J.
- Reggie, e-mail sent - thank you.
- Re: $1 Trade Multiples...
- Charles, e-mail sent - thank you.
- Fred, e-mail sent - thank you.
Daily Make me an Offer
- gimme squished Riv. $3.33 ?
- Tis yours Ron, for $3 and on your stack
Jerry's Casino 2pc Set Spokane, WA
$5 Four Queens (New Years) Las Vegas, NV
A Harvest Adventure Story
- At Golden West you can buy from the cashier
Silver Dollar Casino 3pc Set Mill Crk, WA
Cherokee OS NCV OK St. Champ
This Chip is Sold
- Vegas
- That Belgian Tripel from Big Dog's Brewery...
Nautica CharityFest. 2pcSet Cleveland,OH
$1 101 Casino Petaluma, CA
A Harvest Adventure Story
- Today's Car
- Harrahs Metropolis closing tonight
Antique Card Pin Wheel 3 pc Set
$5 Riviera LTD Las Vegas, NV
Black Jack Cafe 2pc Set Seattle, WA
- Chip for Today
The Daily Joker
- Re:
The Daily Joker
- Some more Vegas showgirls
- TY Chuck and Roy...
$5 Showboat (40th) Las Vegas, NV
Freddie's 5pc Set Auburn, WA
$1 Wojo's - Kenmore, WA
5 Nevada Postcards
- p.c.#174 please / thanks
- Jackson Street, Westside Las Vegas
Awesome 2020
Raffle Donation #18
- Thanks Raymond Ritter !!!!
- Chinese chips...
- Anyone else collect Chinese?
- Love the Chinese chips ...
- I have about 100+ .....
- Don't forget Half:
- Re: Anyone else collect Chinese?
- Super nice Mr Deems !!!
- Thank you very much Torrey !!
- Re: Anyone else collect Chinese?
- Re: Anyone else collect Chinese?
- Re: Anyone else collect Chinese?
6 chips for $10 shipped
- Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile...
- Is Cleopatra's Barge still open at Caesars Palace?
- Yes, it's open. See link inside...
- One Cleopatra not in your group......
- Cleopatra Palace Casino, Hammamet, Tunisia -infos
- Save me from rewriting all these from the beginnin
- Royal Palms..Bakersfield
- Current tenant .....
- 276 Union Avenue is currently for sale!
- Roaring 20’s Santa Rosa
- Re: Roaring 20’s Santa Rosa
- Pan Pad..Fillmore California
- Fillmore . . . First place in California where I
- Re: Fillmore . . . First place in California where
- NCR...Vegas World Stupak’s
- Some Sahara $1’s Through The Years
- Re: Some Sahara $1’s Through The Years
- 🧡 your pictures 👍
- Re: 🧡 your pictures 👍
- Re: Some Sahara $1’s Through The Years
- Chip Chat Auction #48 - Final Bid Update!
- Legendary Stardust Project Pledge, Rich Burgel...
- Re: Legendary Stardust Project Pledge, Rich Burgel
- Hotrod of the day for 2-23-20...NCR
- Home recipe for cleaning your tarnished
- Interesting! What proportions of salt and baking..
- Re: Interesting! What proportions of salt and baki
- Re: Interesting! What proportions of salt and baki
- Wow... I gotta try that.
- Cleaning be careful ...
- I agree with Ron....
- People have been cleaning their teeth with ~~~
- Yes good individually but ...
- Nat'l. Cancer Institute.gov says
- Re: Nat'l. Cancer Institute.gov says
- I wish I could grow them in my ~~~
- Re: Home recipe for cleaning your tarnished
- Lucky 13s, Brisbane, Australia casino chip
- Survivor Episode #3
- Re: Survivor Episode #3
- Re: Survivor Episode #3
- Thanks for the update Re: Survivor Episode #3
- Survivor update
- Re: Survivor update
- Charity Poker Tournament at MGM National Harbor
- Sorry Gronk... Rob!
- Re: Charity Poker Tournament at MGM National Harbo
- Re: Charity Poker Tournament at MGM National Harbo
- Re: Charity Poker Tournament at MGM National Harbo
- Anybody recognize this coin?
25c Monte's Club-Winnemucca, NV
Kings Club 9pc Set Brimley, MI
$5 CC-GTCC Palms (10th Anniv)LV, NV
- Cards
- Weekend Finds - Long Beach Coin Show!
- Re: Weekend Finds - Long Beach Coin Show!
- Re: Weekend Finds - Long Beach Coin Show!
- I could probably trade them for Hungarian Pengo!
- I missed the show this time, but at least you got
Top 10 Wants For This Week
- Today's Car
- paypal question
- Re: paypal question
- Re: paypal question
- correct
- Chip for Today
Daily Make me an Offer
- Went to the big Coin Show
- I was wondering what happened to all the
- Nice 😀
- Re: Went to the big Coin Show
Card Sharks 2pc Set Waterford, MI
- Vegas
10 Nevada Postcards
- I like those Lincolns on last pc
$2.50 Trump Marina - Atlantic City, NJ
Silver Dollar Casino 5pc Set Sea Tac, WA
$5 Reno Hilton - Reno, NV
A Harvest Adventure Story
- Re:
A Harvest Adventure Story
- Chipboard selling and Chuck Smorse. My story.
Card Player Cruises 5pc Set WET
All Star Casino 2pc Set Riverdale, WA
$5 Sonoma Joe's(Octagon-TG)Petaluma, CA
The Daily Joker
- Re:
The Daily Joker
- Thank you Chuck...
$25 Twin River - Lincoln, RI
Freddie's 4pc Set Various Cities, WA
$5 Harrah's, Maryland Hts, MO 8fs*
- oop
$5 Harrah's, Maryland Hts, MO
- Selling chips on the Chip Board
- Another good observation
- Re: Selling chips on the Chip Board
Obsolete Chips Take a Look Nice
- looking NASCAR racers chips from Florida
- 6 Total Seminole Casinos put out those chips
- Seminole-Coconut Creek,FL
- I have JJ-back to back chip
- **NY Metro Club Meeting**
- e bay listings
6 chips for $10 shipped
- Anyone need Empress of the Seas Chips??
- Albert, could use a $1 chip, thanks
- Re: Anyone need Empress of the Seas Chips??
- Let me know if ya want one...
- Thanks, I sent my information
- Thanks, Will Send an E Mail Soon
- Re: Let me know if ya want one...
- All the keys have been spoken for...
chips. denomination 100
- My latest creation 702
- Re: HE IT IS!
- Does your neon guy ...
- Check out 3:57 to 5:54 table action
- Re: Check out 3:57 to 5:54 table action
- The Willows Club chips from Reno
- Other than the few known photos ~~~
- Re: Other than the few known photos ~~~
- My vintage Chuck-A-Luck with bell
- Re: The Willows Club chips from Reno
- Re: The Willows Club chips from Reno
- Re: The Willows Club chips from Reno
- Re: The Willows Club chips from Reno
- Hotrod of the day for 2-22-20...NCR
- Chips that define my collection
- Re: Chips that define my collection
- Re: Chips that define my collection
- Re: Chips that define my collection
- Re: Chips that define my collection
- Tell me about it!
- Commanche Nation....
- Re: Chips that define my collection
- test
- New acquisitions
- Re: New acquisitions
- Thanks Dennis !!!
- Re: New acquisitions
- Nice, Doug, thanks !!!
- Re: On our Harvard st many collectible stores I'll
- Cards
- Today's Car
- Chip for Today
- Attorney of the Day (NCR)
6 for $10 shipped
- Legendary Stardust Project Donation, Mark Freitag
- FS Jerry's Nugget-Famous Lawmen
- FS Fiesta Royal Match 21
$5 Black Diamond w/BJ Crip. Crk, CO
Running Aces 7pc Set Columbus, MN
$5 Trop PR GO - Atlantic City, NJ
Coming Soon to the Chip Store Part II
- Part I Images Repost
- A question please..
- There are some nice
posts where the sellers ~
- Re: A question please..
- Richard though I like your idea
- Re: Richard though I like your idea
- Re: A question please..
- Re: A question please..
- As Archie mentioned, it is
- Re: A question please..
- I really don't understand
- Re: A question please..
- I have a solution
- Re: I have a solution
- Re: I have a solution
- 😀Who will determine which chips ~~~
- Perhaps .....
- Seems like I'm in the minority
- I bet every new chipper will agree with you.
- And a few very nice older chippers, will as well!
- this is a chip board, why on earth would
- The board is fine just the way it is never too
- Maybe if...
- Why are you all going on about nothing and trying
- That's a good question... though ~~~
- Whatever it says for sale just as yours say NCR,
- Torrey, Chips for Sale, Pics of my Deck, NCR......
- You Are My Hero...
- My .02..
- I find it ironic that this
- Re: I find it ironic that this
- I think it's great
- I look forward to the Hot Rods..
- I also enjoy the cool hot Rods
- Re: A question please..
- Perhaps the question hould be ~~~
- John add chips sales to the list
Daily Make me an Offer
Four Queens Sun. FB 2pc Set Las Vegas, NV
This set is sold
CB-King of Poker Champ. LTD
A Harvest Adventure Story
Rio WSOP 2016 4pc Set Las Vegas, NV
Treaure Island 3pc Set Red Wing, MN
$5 Slots-A-Fun 2003 Las Vegas, NV
This Week's Auctions
The Daily Joker
- A really old one
- Very nice Roy, very nice TY
- Re:
The Daily Joker
- Is that a sly ole fox? TY Chuck
- For Sale...
- Beautiful Chips Jay.....
- Thank you Charles.
Silver Dollar 6th St 4pc Set Tacoma, WA
Silks 4pc Set Tampa, FL
$2.50 Riviera - Las Vegas, NV
5 Nevada Postcards
- i'LL TAKE 158 Vegas World please.
- Thank you Keith, email has been sent.
$1 Tropicana - Atlantic City, NJ
Silverton PR GO's 2pc Set Las Vegas, NV
$5 Palms-Playboy Ltd Las Vegas, NV
- Looking for these chips
- Re: Looking for these chips
- Re: Looking for these chips
- FS Fiesta 2002 Yr.of Horse
- FS Fiesta April Fools Day
- FS Last chip of Millenium
- FS Fiesta 1st chip of Millenium
- A very popular Ivory Poker Chip is For Sale
- 114 DAYS BEFORE OUR 2020..
- 1st look. Boyd Gaming, Boyd 300 B-Connected Card
$5 Palace Station - Year of the Rat
- Sinatra in Miami Beach
- Boom boom Burgel !!!
- Re: Boom boom Burgel !!!
- You still have Boom Boom Swizzle Stix? Way cool!
- Re: You still have Boom Boom Swizzle Stix? Way co
- I'm afraid to ask but - do you also still have the
- Awesome,Rich
- Re: Awesome,Rich
- Hotrod of the day for 2-21-20...NCR
- New Sahara Addition Thanks Chris / Spinettis
- You are a serious collector, Doug!!!
- Re: New Sahara Addition Thanks Chris / Spinettis
Obsolete Chips Take a Look Nice
- Does anyone know who ebay seller m4c2n3m7 is?
- Nice Ivory Poked Chip For Sale or Trade
- Today's Token
- Cards
- Today's Truck
- Chip for Today
- My Newest Chip Acquisitions
- Table D Roulette Is Yours!
- New Release - Desert Diamond
- Re: New Release - Desert Diamond
- Need $1 through $5
- I could use a $1 chip
- Any grief collecting the chips?
- None.
- FS $20 Gold Feather Casino
- Re: FS $20 Gold Feather Casino
- FS $20 Rainbow.
- Re: FS $20 Rainbow.
- FS 7 $25 chips
- FS Cash creek Cal.3 chip set
- FS Mesquite Star 4 chip NCV set
- FS $100 Southern Elegance
- Re: St. Patrick's Day Silver Strikes
- FS Golden Nugget $1 Employee Toke
- Re: FS Golden Nugget $1 Employee Toke
- Perlowski Files...love them
- Hotrod of the day for 2-20-20...NCR
- I see two Montclair casinos in ChipGuide ~~~
- 🤔and here's a £5 from Stanley Casinos [Mgnt ?]
- Your plaque
- Great. Submit to ChipGuide + take credit. Thanks.
- Who's got a trader of any of these chips?
- Thanks, I’m in Seattle and don’t have my guide
- Re: Opatija
- Re: Opatija
- Re: Opatija
- Re: Opatija
- Re: Opatija
- Awesome a Magician Joker and Showgirls...
- Re: New chips coming at
- Re: New chips coming at
Copyright 2022 David Spragg